Sir C V Raman Lab
(Physics Lab)
Homi Jehangir Bhabha Lab
(Chemistry Lab)
The science faculty of DPS is blessed with a fully coordinated lab facility, which helps the students to support them in their inquisitive motives to explore the various scientific phenomenon. The chemistry lab is spacious enough to accommodate nearly 50 students at a time with sufficient working space. The lab has a fume cupboard and all the equipment that support the student’s need for carrying …
Har Gobind Khorana Lab
(Biology Lab)
Ramanujan Lab
(Mathmatics Lab)
“Learning Maths is exciting”
Ramanujan, the maths lab, is the most modern and endowed with the latest resources for all students at the school, wherein the thought processing of children is facilitated with the help of working models. It is equipped with essential charts, models, pictures and other teaching aids for classes VI to X. It’s here in the Lab that children …
Charles Babbage Lab
(Computer Lab)
The Knowledge House
Tranquility, the well resourced DPS library enables students to enrich and expand their horizons. It is constantly expanding its resource centre stocked with books, journals, videos, DVD’s and audio cassettes. The library is a major resource for all constituents of the School: students, faculty and parent members. It endeavours to provide students with opportunities to learn how to use …